
Wednesday 30 March 2016


Tuesday 29 March 2016

Marnie, My-Charlie & My Retainer

I have been catching up on Girls,

My brother is wonderful for helping me watch it while I have been in the UK.

The Charlie & Marnie episode has worn my heart out.

I currently have a headache that reminds me of my first ever migraine that resulted in MyCharlie carrying me to bed and stroking my hair.

It took us about a billion years to get together, and a billion attempts to stay together. When I watched Girls for the first time I was told that you identify with a character, like you tend to with Sex and the City. In the very first scene Marnie takes out her retainer, and complains that she doesn't like sleeping in the same bed as her boyfriend. That was a lot of my nights at that time, I also had long brown hair. I thought the similarities stopped there. I never thought I was that type A, I was but only with MyCharlie. We met each others bossy with more bossy and despite very true love, it was a big disaster.

This last episode was my favorite so far because I loved how Marnie sank in to Charlie and let her self go. Heroin aside I love who Charlie has become, I think that's a big part of my heartache. I always saw my self as Marnie, and MyCharlie as Charlie. I don't want him to do heroin, but I am enjoying who he is becoming. while I watch from the outside, which is where we both thrive. 

I wonder if Marnie still wears her retainer, I still have mine. 

Photos from HBOgo.

Friday 18 March 2016

I almost cried at my desk for two reasons today

I almost cried at my desk for two reasons today; 

1. I just read Michelle Obama's Lenny letter on girls education. Subscribe here  it's awesome, and reading the articles are an great way to spend your lunch break. 

2. Is far more vain... I saw my ass in a shop window and it was not the ass I had at 25, gone is that ass and here is my 26 year your butt. The tears were coming from a place where I was telling my self " I can no longer get free pizza on a night out based on my ass alone anymore" 

And I should be happy about that ! I have been lucky enough to of received an education. One that on most occasions was tailor made for me, I have some learning disabilities and happened to have a benefactor in my kindergarten teacher that helped me along the way. I am beyond grateful for that. 

Michelle Obama's essay not only brings to light an issue that we are capable of changing in our time, but gives ways to follow through and help. She is an incredible woman. 

The other thing my reflection made me realize was that equestrian is one of the best sports for a killer butt. I was ridding up to 3 times a week before I moved to London, which means I haven't been on a horse is over a year. 

If you are over squats day in and day out, sub in some ridding if you can. It is literally doing squats on a moving animal for an its hard and fun all in one. 
This is my guy Connery, so handsome he was named after James Bond. 

Thursday 17 March 2016

Crowns and Stuffs

Sorry Sorry Sorry !

It's now been just over a year since I arrived in London. When I started working in June is sort of when I stooped posting on here... mostly because I could not be bothered to put make up on over the weekend. 

Here are some shots from the past several months.

Basically: Zayn Quit 1D, Z and I went to Hampstead heath, then to Twickenham for the 7's , Matt and Courtney stopped by, I ate that pig at Will and Julie's wedding, my Mom came, we went to Kew gardens, we went to Brighton, I found a picture I actually like of my self from Will and Julie's wedding, we watched the Rugby world cup all the time , It got foggy in Richmond and it looked cool, I went to Paris with Den Den, Z and I went to Prague Vienna, and Budapest, Nathan came back and spent Christmas with us, David Bowie passed way and my world stopped for a moment, Z and I fell in love with champagne, then I fell in love with this water color of champagne, I went to Morocco,we had a big leaving party as Z had to go back to Canada. 

I apologize for the screenshots.