
Friday 18 March 2016

I almost cried at my desk for two reasons today

I almost cried at my desk for two reasons today; 

1. I just read Michelle Obama's Lenny letter on girls education. Subscribe here  it's awesome, and reading the articles are an great way to spend your lunch break. 

2. Is far more vain... I saw my ass in a shop window and it was not the ass I had at 25, gone is that ass and here is my 26 year your butt. The tears were coming from a place where I was telling my self " I can no longer get free pizza on a night out based on my ass alone anymore" 

And I should be happy about that ! I have been lucky enough to of received an education. One that on most occasions was tailor made for me, I have some learning disabilities and happened to have a benefactor in my kindergarten teacher that helped me along the way. I am beyond grateful for that. 

Michelle Obama's essay not only brings to light an issue that we are capable of changing in our time, but gives ways to follow through and help. She is an incredible woman. 

The other thing my reflection made me realize was that equestrian is one of the best sports for a killer butt. I was ridding up to 3 times a week before I moved to London, which means I haven't been on a horse is over a year. 

If you are over squats day in and day out, sub in some ridding if you can. It is literally doing squats on a moving animal for an its hard and fun all in one. 
This is my guy Connery, so handsome he was named after James Bond. 

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