
Monday 30 May 2016

5 Quick changes to make to your CV today.

5 Quick Changes to make to your CV today. 

I have worked in recruiting and hiring since before I graduated. 

Rocking your CV/ Resume isn't rocket science. 

Recruiters and hiring managers will quickly toss a CV that is too confusing or isn't instantly showing off the skills they are looking for. Not in a douche bag way, but they are busy people who read 100's of CVs a day ,and if you can make your CV easier to find amongst the others you are already miles ahead. 

1. What your file called ? 

Always save your CV with your name.... MyCV isn't helpful on a hiring managers desktop that is full of files called "MyCV" or "CVMay" I save mine as KCarmichaelCV, and suggest you add at your last name, your first name if you like and either CV or Resume. 

2. What colour is your CV ? 

Mine is lavender, not a little girl lavender but a shade that shows that my personality and makes my CV at little more visually interesting. 

Adding a splash of colour will always help make your CV stand out, and can be a easy way to show a bit more of your personality. 

Other Suggestions : 

3. Are you showing off your most recent work ? 

Make sure that your CV starts off with your most recent experience. Chronological CV's drive recruiters crazy, they want to read about the bits that fit in with the job you are applying for. They do not want to dig through babysitting jobs to find what you are currently doing. 

Start off with the job you are currently in and work back from there. Make sure that you are highlight all of your main roles in that job. 

4. Dude where is your number ? 

If you do not add contact details, hiring managers CAN NOT CONTACT YOU ! 
Get that shit on there now ! They could love your experience but will not call you if they do not have your number. 

5. What do you do outside of work ? 

Throw some hobbies on there ! Who knows that hiring manager could be in to ridding horses too. My sports back ground has played a big role in my career, I did work in coaching for a very long time, but that aside part of the reason I am in my current job is that my director wanted an athlete. Lots of employers look for athletes. This also helps break the ice in an interview, perhaps your meeting with your future boss and she's also a ballerina, you already have common ground. It also shows that you do stuff ! that you get out of bed on your day off and you do something ! 

With 10 min of editing and playing in word or pages you could get your CV on the top of the stack of other applicants. 

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