
Monday 30 June 2014

So this happened.

Iv been in England for about 2 weeks and I am in love with Richmond !
Mostly because its small and beautiful and 20 min from London !

But Party because Z was able to buy this.

 Which we promptly spent our day in Chelsea and Hyde Park playing with .

We had gotten peddle boat in Hyde Park and had tourist after tourist taking our photos... I mean HIS photo, I'm just that random girl in the all funny horse photos.

More Coming from England, Iv got lots of photos banked up, I just need to find the time to post them.

I wish I could tell you where to get the horse mask, its a small child's boutique in Richmond, but I think you can get them online.

Friday 13 June 2014

Luggage of my DREAMS

I rocked the same bright Green Roots bag for years and I did get me through some big trips. But alas every time I use it something new falls off.
Iv been holding off to get new luggage until I found the perfect set. I found it a couple of days a go

How Beautiful is the London Fog Canterbury set.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Some Boats

Things have been pretty busy lately, suddenly Z is leaving for England a week early, so we have been packing and dealing with the renos. 

So to tide you over until I actively go out and do something fun here are some shots I took of the Swiftsure boats in Victoria the other week. 

I live in a pretty nice place.